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Erfahrungen mit Magnetfeldtherapie - Patienten berichten

Experiences with magnetic field therapy – what can patients say about the application? We are often asked whether we can name patients who have had experience with magnetic field therapy. Unfortunately, for data protection reasons, we cannot name customers. A lot of customers give us feedback after the first few weeks of using magnetic field therapy. 99% of the time we get positive feedback. We are very pleased about this and it motivates us to keep going.

Experiences with magnetic field therapy

Magnetic field therapy, an alternative, non-invasive treatment method, has become increasingly popular in recent years. Institut Provital GmbH in particular has established itself as a pioneer in this field. Since 2023, we have been publishing our customers‘ experiences with magnetic field therapy. With numerous areas of application from severe osteoarthritis to long Covid to vaccination side effects and fatigue syndrome, magnetic field therapy has already helped many patients to improve their quality of life.

One of the most common applications of magnetic field therapy is the treatment of osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease that is often accompanied by severe pain and limited mobility. Many patients suffering from osteoarthritis report positive experiences with magnetic field therapy. The targeted application of magnetic fields can relieve pain, reduce inflammation and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue. This not only leads to improved mobility, but also to an increase in quality of life.

Good experiences with chronic pain

Another area where magnetic therapy is showing promising results is the treatment of long-term Covid and vaccine side effects. After infection with the coronavirus or vaccination, some patients may develop long-lasting symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty breathing and muscle pain. Magnetic therapy can help strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and support the regeneration of damaged cells. Many patients report a noticeable improvement in their symptoms after treatment with magnetic fields.

First Experiences with Fatigue Syndrome

Fatigue syndrome, a state of persistent tiredness and exhaustion, can also be successfully treated with magnetic field therapy. By stimulating the flow of energy in the body, the symptoms of fatigue can be alleviated and the patient’s vitality restored. Many sufferers report a significant improvement in their quality of life and increased performance after treatment with magnetic fields.

In addition, magnetic therapy has also proven to be an effective treatment for osteoporosis. This disease, which is characterized by a loss of bone mass and density, often leads to an increased risk of bone fractures and reduced mobility. The targeted application of magnetic fields can promote bone growth and regeneration, which leads to a strengthening of the bone structure and a reduction in the risk of fractures.

Good experiences with animals (dogs, horses)

In addition to its use in humans, magnetic field therapy has also proven effective in treating animals, especially dogs. Many pet owners report positive experiences in treating conditions such as osteoarthritis, joint inflammation and injuries. The targeted use of magnetic fields can relieve pain, reduce inflammation and accelerate healing, leading to an improved quality of life and mobility of the animal. Particularly impressive in 2023 was the news from a customer who had treated her dog for cancer. Within a few weeks, an anal gland carcinoma in the animal, which was over 12 years old, had shrunk from the size of a grapefruit to the size of a chickpea.

Overall, the numerous reports clearly show that magnetic field therapy is an effective and promising treatment method for a wide range of health problems. From relieving pain and inflammation to promoting regeneration and healing of the body – magnetic field therapy offers numerous benefits for patients of all ages and life situations. Anyone looking for a gentle and effective alternative or supplement to conventional treatment methods should definitely consider the possibilities of magnetic field therapy.

Below we will gradually publish the experiences of our customers. Please understand that most patients do not want to be named. We will of course protect the privacy of our customers and therefore only publish the reports here anonymously.

Have you had any experience with magnetic field therapy yourself? Then please write to us or call us. We would be happy to publish your story, anonymously if you wish. You can reach us by email at or by phone at (09561) 80 61 61.

Patientenberichte zur pulsierenden Magnetfeldtherapie

Wie hilft die pulsierende Magnetfeldtherapie?

Viele Patienten nutzen die pulsierende Magnetfeldtherapie zur Schmerzlinderung, Regeneration und allgemeinen Gesundheitsförderung. Die Erfahrungsberichte zeigen, dass diese Methode bei verschiedenen Beschwerden positive Effekte haben kann.

Erfahrungen bei Gelenkerkrankungen

Patienten mit Arthrose, Rheuma und Rückenschmerzen berichten oft über eine spürbare Linderung ihrer Beschwerden. Die sanfte Stimulation der Mikrozirkulation scheint den Heilungsprozess zu unterstützen und die Beweglichkeit zu verbessern.

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